Welcome to our School Age Room!

  • Safe and Sound: Children are under the watchful care of trained adults in small groups, receiving valuable individualized attention.
  • Enjoyable and enriching days: Each day is brimming with educational activities and provides the flexibility to complete remote learning coursework.
  • Energetic and involved: Our program prioritizes the growth of both young minds and bodies, offering various indoor and outdoor play experiences.

Welcome to our School Age Room! This room is for children who are enrolled in Kindergarten up to Sixth Grade. Here, your child can feel comfortable to choose activities that interest him/her. A wide range of activities such as art, board games, electronic and educational games, books, movies, large motor activities and much more are available each day for your child. On days off from school there are fun and exciting activities planned all day long!

Your child will need a pair of slippers to be kept here and socks and sneakers daily for outside play. We have a large outdoor play area and on days off from school we go to the play ground at the end of our street. Children use their book bags to store all of their belongings. Please do not send medications or food in book bags as these items can be very hazardous especially for food allergies. All medications must be labeled and handed to the teacher. All medications must be accompanied by a physician form. Please ask if you should need one of these forms.

Please sign up for day care (for days off from school) by the designated date each month. Please remember that once you sign up for a day, you will be charged no matter what.

Please remember to call if your child will be absent from day care. When a bus shows and your child isn’t there… we get a little nervous!
A specially prepared monthly menu is served to the children and is posted in the hall for your viewing. We also practice table manners and we have family style meals where the children pass the bowls of food and prepare their own plate!

Please view our bulletin board regularly and read our monthly news letter for Day Care information. If you ever have any questions, concerns, compliments or complaints we want to here from you! Feel free to discuss anything with the teachers or directors at any time.